Permaculture in Action

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Vego Challenge

Due to an Eco Village meeting happening here tonight, I will be using last nights dinner for the Vego Challenge.

Yesterday was one of those days where we were both on the go all day long, and I found myself wondering what I was going to do for dinner. I've got to tell you that I was very tempted to duck up to the fish and chip shop.
 But good sense prevailed and I remembered some leftover pasta sauce I had made 2 nights ago, using onion, garlic, tomatoes and zucchini from the garden, tomato puree that I'd preserved previously and some tempeh. I just added a few more tomatoes and some more puree, heated it up and put some pasta swirls on to boil.
While they were cooking I made up a crumble mixture using ;

175 gms rolled oats
50 gms parmesan cheese
75gms butter

Combine these 3  ingredients  and rub in the butter.

Place sauce and pasta into oven proof dish and top with crumb mixture.Bake for about 30 mins in pre heated oven 180 C/ 350 F, until golden and heated through.

Very fast, very tasty, used up some leftovers and ready by the time Mark got in from the garden at 8pm.


  1. Hmmm, a savoury crumble looks delish Kate and obviously it was!!......

    Must make a note of this idea, I love crumbles.

    It's been lovely here today, very breezy and cool. There was an Autumnal feel to the air, but I know there will still be plenty of heat ahead. I hate humidity too we used to live on the Gold Coast so I know exactly what you mean....
    .Mind you it has been getting more humid during Summer over the past couple of years here. Tassie's looking good, hehe.....

    Hope you get some rain soon,

    Claire :}

  2. I never would have thoght to add the topping, what a great idea!
    I think some the the best meals are made 'on the cuff'!

  3. One of my main aims for this year is to work on some great healthy short cut food like that. There are many days where we are too busy and tired to prepare and cook complicated meals but quick can be healthy and tasty too.
