Permaculture in Action

Monday, September 29, 2014

Spring Bounty

These are exciting times at PPF
Kate has found the time and the inspiration to bring you an update on happenings here on the farm.

I know! It's been a long long time. I find it increasingly difficult to divide my time between the real world and this virtual world, but I do find myself missing it. I have also found that others are missing my posts, so I've promised to be a little more regular, even if it's just some photos with very little words.
We are harvesting some really lovely produce at the moment and the CSA boxes are looking beautiful as can be seen in the photo above. Spring can sometimes be a little difficult because of the in between of the Winter vegies and the yet to grow summer bounty, but because of the spring rain and some forward planning we have an abundance.

For this week's box my weekly menu looks like this...

Monday  Pasta with Cauliflower sauce
Tuesday  Stir fry
Wednesday  Rice and Vegetable Pie with Beetroot salad
Thursday     Palak Paneer
Friday       Pizza
Saturday   Vegetable Curry
Sunday  Roast

After checking the pantry, all I need to buy is some rice noodles to go with the stirfry.

Menu planning is important when eating seasonally, especially if you get a weekly box of farm fresh seasonal produce. This reduces any chance of food going to waste.

If you live in our area and are interested in getting one of our weekly boxes, send me an email and I'll discuss it with you.

Here's hoping I can manage my time better to share more of what's going on for us . As Mark said, we are in extremely exciting times here on the farm!!!


  1. What a box of goodies. That menu sounds very tasty. Glad everything is going well well on the farm.

  2. What a great box, unfortunately we are just going into Autumn so my abundance of veg is slowly coming to an end, we only have leeks and beetroots left.

  3. Looks like you and I are eating the same things this week Kate:) The weather sure has warmed up.... maybe a little too fast!

  4. Nice to see you back here Kate, I've certainly missed your updates :) I hope you are both well.

  5. The boxes with a menu are a great idea Kate. That in between Winter/Spring is a tricky time .
    I know what you mean about finding time for the real and virtual world. It's got to be quick and easy
    for me these days or I lose interest I'm afraid..........

    Claire x
