Permaculture in Action

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Just For Now

Wow, six weeks since my last post. Mark and I went away for a few days break and I have just not felt inspired to write. Sorry to any of my followers for my silence.I have been visiting all my friends and keeping up with your blogs. Thank you so much for sharing what you do. You are  such an inspiration to me!

The break has done me the world of good.  Many decisions made and so just for now we have decided to-

* increase garden production
* stop taking WWOOFers
* scale down our courses
* spend more time with the grand kids (a new little project there)
* clean up and declutter

Many thanks for visiting.



  1. Sometimes you do just need to step back. Well done for recognizing it before you suffer for committing to too much.

  2. Hi Kate I was happy to find your blog, and wanted to share my post on our new compost that we got stuck into after Grant and I had a lovely day at the compost worshop, it is coming along nicely!

    also I thought you might be interested in having a look at Jessica Hardings blog about healthy eating and living, here is the link

    I hope your decisions bring about the changes you desire in your life! It looks like a lot of hard work what you do out on your farm and its always great to stop take stock, evaluate and prioritize, and I love a good declutter too, clears the mind!!



  3. Hey Kate, it's always good to have a bit of a spring clean and reprioritize......keeping stress levels at a minimum and enjoying our commitments rather than have them become a burden......
    Spring is flexing her muscles and I am looking forward to warmer weather and getting the vegie garden producing more.
    Nice looking Caulies and how cute is that pony and it's rider?

    CLaire x

  4. Glad to visit your blog and see a new post! I think it's time for a lovely long phone call soon! i'll be in touch...

  5. Hello there! Good to see you've been doing some careful thinking about what your needs are. That all sounds great. Especially seeing the grand kids. Sometimes we get busier than is sensible, don't we? Nice to have you back in Blogland!

  6. Good to hear you're safe and well and simply readjusting a few things; we all need to do that at times. I think Ms Meg is right - time for a phone call!! xxx

  7. We've missed you Kate! But glad you've had a break. I'm interesting in the thinking behind your decisions. Why has Woofing not worked for you and how will you up the food production without them?
    Take care, Sandy
