Permaculture in Action

Friday, June 10, 2011

On My Mind

Joining in with Rhonda for this Friday photo feature.

On my mind today is the amount of citrus that grows in our area that goes to waste, left on the trees to rot. We live in an area that grows citrus really well and many people have very old trees that produce large amounts of fruit. As part of Transition Towns Maitland we have started a Citrus Drive to collect the unwanted fruit and distribute it to those who do want it.  As an adjunct to this, we will be showing people how they can preserve the excess.


  1. What an eminently sensible and practical thing to do, it's a great model Kate.

  2. Thanks for your comment Kate. Love your blog. I live in the Adelaide hills and I think we may have the same problem out here with apples! We have recently built on a 1/2 acre block, our block is completely bare right now (except for dreaded weeds) we still have some big earth moving to do but hopefully by spring we will be super organised and I will be able to start a vegetable garden. I have been reading lots of american (gardening/simple life) blogs but have been wanting to see what Australian gardeners are doing, so its great to see your blog!

  3. Thanks for your comments Rose and Mamie girl.Lets hope the citrus drive develops. I hope you'll visit again

  4. Sounds like a wonderful idea. I can't seem to grow citrus my care they die...but my mother in-law has two Giant clementine trees and she shares. I love to candy the peel to cook with and my children devour it.

  5. Love that idea! I'm amazed at how many overflowing fruit trees I see around. Such a waste. i've often been tempted to go and ask if I can pick some but have never had the courage.

    I had one of your lovely oranges tonight thank you :-)

    It's lovely to see you blogging Kate. I'm looking forward to reading along. t x.

  6. Shame its illegal to post them to Tassie, I'd love some. Instead I have to hope that my trees will one day be so bountiful.

  7. Fabulous! At our neighbourhood centre right now, we have an avalanche of citrus fruits coming through the door every day. If I have time next time I'm there, I'm going to make up a few jars of marmalade. Transition Towns is a great organisation.

  8. What a great idea, no wastage of fabulous healthy fruit and nutrition given to those who can least afford it
