Permaculture in Action

Friday, July 8, 2011

On My Mind

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.Joining in with Rhonda with what's on my mind.

Home sweet home
After spending a wonderful week in Melbourne with 2 of my beautiful daughters and their partners, coming home was on my mind today. It has been a great week getting to know a bit about their lives down there, we even managed to get in a bit of gardening. And it's always good to get home!


  1. So glad you had a great time, but there is nothing like home is there? I hope you have a beautiful weekend.

  2. GORGEOUS GARDEN!!!! I can just see myself slowly walking about seeing all you have planted. ; ) And returning to ones home is always wonderful

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed your time with your girls - but yes - it is good to get home again. xx

  4. Yeah I know what you mean -- there is no place like home.
