Permaculture in Action

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hand Made Gifts

I've  finished knitting Leah's cotton dress and bloomers. I'm really pleased with them and managed to teach myself the double crotchet and crab stitch for the edging.

For her big brother and sister I was able to pick up a hand painted (by the children) silk ribbon streamer   for Elizabeth...

 and for Jeffrey some hand made blocks ( sanded and polished with bees wax by the  year 1children ) at the local Steiner school...

 Both presents were on sale at the school's annual Fair. As much as possible we wanted to give  hand made gifts for Christmas. We had a Christmas lunch here on Sunday for Mark's family. Along with the gifts above were the adults gifts of honey, jam and a garlic braid.

Speaking of garlic braids, if you haven't yet left a comment here for the braid give away you have until 8pm tomorrow night. Just a reminder that we can only send the braid within Australia, excluding Tasmania due to export restrictions.


  1. Fantastic! I love it! It's a bit hard to come up with enough homemade gifts though, isn't it? I know I am running out of days before Christmas.

  2. Kate, the little dress and bloomers are just beautiful! Congratulations on teaching yourself new stitches, feels good doesn't it?!

  3. You've done a beautiful job on the dress and bloomers, Kate. It's such a lovely shade of pink. We have some wooden toys for our little boys too this Christmas.
